This lunar new year, I read by chance these three poems and found it very interesting. Lò Ngàn Sủn is a minority ethnicity's poet in Vietnam. He has a famous poem named "Chiều biên giới" (Afternoon at border) which was rearranged into a song with the same name. In this post, please enjoy my literal translation of his three poems I mentioned above. In the photos are the full text of Vietnamese versions taken from the Ethnicity and Development Newspaper.

"Who wrote your name by sunlight
Who draw your image by moonlight"
(Dáy folk song)
The beauty looks like snow
Touch and feel hot
The beauty looks like fire
Touch and feel cool
People not thirsty - will be when see the beauty
People not hungry - will be when see the beauty
People wanna die - will not want anymore when see the beauty
The beauty is dream
Hang in front of everybody's eyes!

Being old is something so fearful
Why do we make others getting old sooner?
Pain is something so horrible
Why do we make others getting so much pain?
Death is something so terrific
Why do we make others die?
Oh God, who can predict
How long that man will make others suffering?
Since there is miss contests
The sky is higher
The soil is more fertilized
The forest and trees are with more flowers and fruits
The stream flows more powerful
The river is greener
Is raised higher than before
By the steps of the beauty.
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